Shared Living Provider/RI job #1159
Department: Adult Services/Northern Rhode Island area
General Description: Shared Living Providers are contractors who open their homes and hearts to individuals with developmental disabilities to provide living arrangements. Providers receive tax free stipend paid twice per month.
Minimum Qualifications: Must pass background checks, pass home inspection and agree to terms of service as specified in the Shared Living Provider agreement and the subcontractor agreement.
Job Responsibilities: As specified in the Shared Living Provider Agreement and subcontractor agreement including but not limited to: providing nutritionally balanced meals, assistance with personal hygiene as needed, assistance with selection and purchases of personal clothing and accessories, money management, encouragement in maintaining community relationships, assist with school, day services, or employment of individual, ensure the provision of 24 hour support/unless otherwise specified in support plan, and use own vehicle to transport individual to medical, recreational, and other necessary trips.