
INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT SERVICES provide supports to the individuals who live independently within their community. This means that the individual receives less than 15 hours of support a week from the support staff. Staff assist the individuals with banking, budgeting, medical transportation, recertification paperwork for their benefits, grocery shopping etc. Almost all of the individuals supported under Individual Support Services work competitively in the community or attend vocational workshops or day habilitation programs. The rest like to attend local community senior centers or volunteer sites when possible. Currently, individuals are being supported throughout the Taunton/Attleboro communities.
RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT SERVICES are provided to the individuals who live independently within their community and receive more than 15 hours of support from the staff but less than 24 hours.
In 2007, The Arc created an innovative residential model at Dunham Street. This model supports 5 gentlemen living independently in a home in Attleboro.
Region VI (Brookline) consists of 3 women that The Arc supports through flexibly driven services. These services allow for the women to work with their staff to create staffing patterns based on their needs.
Shared Living Services are provided to individuals that need assistance and can no longer live independently. The individual lives with a provider in the provider’s home. Currently all of the individuals supported under Shared Living attend day programs 5 days a week. The Team Supervisor makes monthly visits to the home under Shared Living Services.
Rhode Island
Residential 24 hr. and Non 24 hr. Supports
proAbility provides residential services to who have chosen to live in their own homes or apartments in the community. Services include both 24 hour and non 24 hour supports. Our dedicated team of direct support professionals assists individuals with gaining and maintaining skills necessary to complete the daily tasks required to maintain independent living. Services can include but are not limited to assistance and support with:
■ Self Care
■ Cooking Skills
■ Budgeting and Account Management
■ Shopping
■ Coordination and Transportation for Medical Appointments
■ Nursing Services
■ Social and other community membership opportunities
proAbility staff will work closely with you, your family, your state social services worker and anyone else that is important to you in planning your services. Together, you and the team will develop an individual service plan that outlines exactly what proAbility will assist you with.
The proAbility Residential Coordinator and Direct Support Professionals will work closely with you on a day to day basis to ensure services are being delivered to you in a way that is meaningful to you in achieving your life goals.
Shared Living Arrangements
proAbility also offers individuals opportunities to live in the community with a host family. These arrangements offer an individual the opportunity to live in a family environment with supports provided by the family or person who has become the Shared Living provider. The Shared Living Provider offers shelter and care to the individual residing in their home. Together they share a home as the individual grows in the areas identified in their individualized service plan.
Our Residential Coordinator works closely with both the Individual and Shared Living Provider on an ongoing basis; assisting as needs arise. Those interested in Shared Living Arrangements, as either a recipient of the service or those who may be interested in becoming a Shared Living Provider, are encouraged to contact proAbility for more information.
For more information about any of proAbility’s Residential Services, contact Melissa Melvin, Director of Services at (401) 233-1634 ext. 3626.